You start your twenties in the midst of two goodbyes. The friends you left behind in high school that you vowed to keep touch with are starting to fade away as trips home get shorter and fewer and further between. In a year or two, you’ll say goodbye to your college group as you move on toward first jobs, old family bedrooms, beginning lives and new friends.
Seperti dikutip dari The Friendship Exodus of Your 20s, “you’ll say goodbye to your college group“… seperti itu pulalah perjalanan kami. Sekelompok manusia berjumlah 8 orang (yang ngakunya) cantik, dulu pernah sama-sama menimba ilmu di sebuah gedung bernama D5 di daerah Jatinangor, hampir bisa dipastikan kemana-mana kami selalu bersama.
Btw, karena kecantikan kami itulah, akhirnya kami menamakan diri sebagai MG alias Mojang Geulis #pasangkacamataitem #kibasjilbab